Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Hills/Simpson connection

Are Ashley Simpson and Stephanie Pratt related?

Law and Order SVU

I had forgotten about this.,26334,1550333,00.html

What the Fuck is Wrong With Rachel Zoe????

This show is great. But also I was a bit confused by the plot.

Uncle dies, Rachel decides before to throw a great big party for her anniversary. She is pissed off her husband wants to spend it with her???? I mean God forbid someone wants to spend their anniversary with you just the two of you. How selfish of him to not want to share is with 200 of your friends.

But here was the kicker. Why is her sister budget shopping at H&M? If your sister is one of the top stylists, getting free swag left and right and has tons of cash why is she taking you budget shopping at H&M and not hooking you up with some of her goods?????

Also I hate to kick a girl who is down and out with an eating disorder but did anyone else get the sneaking suspish that perhaps Ms. Zoe did not want to do dinner with the hubby because then she would have to ...............EAT!

All in all while I would love to say I will not be tuning in for the season finale I must figure out if the angry little blonde girl has had it. I mean the stress of dealing with clothes is just too much. Screw world hunger, Jennifer Garner has to look good at the Oscars (although that may be a harder task than solving world hunger issues--sorry to all you Alias fans).

What is she on?

She has that "hopped up" on something look in here eyes a la Ramona Real Housewives of NYC

Best Halloween Costume EVER?

A friend of mine recently sent me this link:

Now is this the best costume ever? He thought so. He asked me if there was to be a third who should it be? A side of hash browns? Coffee?

I suggested a frying pan or a fatty heart.

This got me thinking about some other great costumes

A cigarette and a black lung

A bottle of Popov and a dying liver.

I have a gay friend too says Hassel

Ok not really. But that is probably next. It seems to be a great thing Republicans do. I have a black friend so when I used the N word I didn't mean it. Or I have a gay friend so that means I am for gay rights.

Yes. I am still waiting for Sarah Palin's gay bff to come out (no pun intended)

As for the Hills

Here is the recap of this weeks Hills.

blah blah blah Lauren talks about Heidi to a new random person

blah blah blah Audrina and Justin are having problems

blah blah blah Audriana goes on a date and then another one but the guy is 1) NICE and 2) treats her with respect so she goes back to be treated like shit by the hairdresser known as Justin Bobby

blah blah blah Spencer is an asshole

blah blah blah Spencer is a dickhead

blah blah blah Spencer is a piece of shit

Wait Wait for it: Heidi writes a letter

Now I am realizing something . This episode is three past episodes combined into one new one. Heidi talks to Holly about Lauren, Lauren talks to Holly about Heidi, Audrina dates and fights with J.B., Spencer is rude to Holly, there is a letter (remember the card Heidi gave Lauren that Lauren ripped up in the bathroom).

The only saving grace moment was ......Holly FINALLY sticking it to Spencer.

Watch it go down here:

Real Housewives of Atlanta

Ok I just finished watching Real Housewives of Atlanta and the Hills.

First Real Housewives! WTF! This is going to be the best, baddest, most controversial one yet.

Some thoughts:

1) These ladies have WAY more money than OC. In fact Jeana Keough and her "estimated" 4 million dollar home is looking like nothing. But the worst is Tamara (blonde bimbo not Duff shagging one) is looking like POOR white trailer trash. Isn't her husband a used car salesmen?????? My guess is Sheree would only let them park her cars at her party (as in be the valet).

2) Why the hell is Bethany Frankelfurter Hot Dog writing a blog about them.

I mean I understand Top Chef blog but even that went too far sometimes. Last I checked her Betheny Bakes is no Spiaggia. Furthermore her blog is so damn RACIST (there I said it). Bling this and bling that, Cribs meets Jerry Springer. Um Bethny in your own words "Check yourself before your wreck yourself".

3) Does Kim not realize that "Big Daddy" her boyfriend who doesn't want to be on camera and most her friends haven't even met is most likely MARRIED. Well as long as she gets to drive her fully loaded Escalade and "Die in DIOR" I guess she doesn't care.

4) Obviously Kim and Nene's friendship will be ending as we keep hearing how MUCH they love each other

To catch up on the show go here :

Snub awards

Don't Forget to Vote on this VERY IMPORANT issue

This issue was clearly so important to this person that they not only took the time to create the poll.

They couldn't take the time to spell check it in order to get it out to you asap.

Remember Muslin's can be dangerous!!!! GRRRRR! Hold me.

I registered Republican when I was 18

When I was 18 years, had no idea what I was doing, and read Seventeen magazine I was asked for my party affiliation. It was an easy choice. Republican. They had given me a great bottle opener when I was at a party (oh by the way I was 17 and they offered me alcohol.....hush fills the room). So I checked off Republican and off I went.

12 years later I have learned something! I now watch the View and see myself cheering for Whoopi(go girl!) or hoping Joy makes another great joke , or even wishing Sherri the best (although she might possibly belond to the same world is flat group as Palin) while watching dear old Hassel my ass go on and on and on and on about another thing. The thing that bugs me so much about her is can she ever say "hey McCain was wrong on that" or "hmmmmm Palin probably shouldn't have said that". NO! Even dear old Barb asked her if she could ever see the other side and she just couldn't.

I find this type of behavior in Republicans always. Yes a steretype but hey this blog isn't to be PC. My favorite is when they say on Larry King Live discussions "can i finish" yet they talk over everyone. Is this just me who finds this annoying? Also since when did morality become the McCain/Palin ticket. Let us remember McCain left his wife for Cindy (that is right Cindy so take that big cross off your neck) and Palin and Mr. Dude Palin had a baby 7 months after they were married (but my guess is they are going to argue PREMIE). If that had been Obama's girls having babies you know Palin would be saying "where is their babies daddies" or whatever scary black sounding phrase she could come up with to freak out the morons listening to her. That is right. She would have spun this into a black girl gets pregnant ghetto not so fabulous story RIGHT AWAY. Actually that might win her more votes than her current terrorist tactic.

All I can say is the Republican Party was the best party on campus. Because I was able to check my morals and values at the door, have a great time, not care about any consequences, what is right or wrong and was just in it for the glory of a good time. Oh and like our dear friends John and Sarah I really felt after that 5th beer that I was the FUCKING MAVERICK!

Obama is a terrorist confirms terror expert Hasselbeck

Elisabeth is not your BFF Michelle

Did anyone see Elisabeth Hasselbeck's youtube video introducing Cindy McCain? First, is she reading notes the entire time? I don't seem to see her saying anything intelligent that requires memorization. Second saying Cindy McCain walked in as fresh as could be? Um, doubtful. Finally she says Michelle Obama had a list of things that they couldn't talk about.

Go back and watch this youtube clip. Elisabeth does what all people like her do. She is so kind to Michelle's face and then a month or two later slams her behind her back. Great job showing that Republican loyalty that your party is so famous for!

Here is Michelle on the View

Here is Elisbath introducing Cindy McCain