Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What the Fuck is Wrong With Rachel Zoe????

This show is great. But also I was a bit confused by the plot.

Uncle dies, Rachel decides before to throw a great big party for her anniversary. She is pissed off her husband wants to spend it with her???? I mean God forbid someone wants to spend their anniversary with you just the two of you. How selfish of him to not want to share is with 200 of your friends.

But here was the kicker. Why is her sister budget shopping at H&M? If your sister is one of the top stylists, getting free swag left and right and has tons of cash why is she taking you budget shopping at H&M and not hooking you up with some of her goods?????

Also I hate to kick a girl who is down and out with an eating disorder but did anyone else get the sneaking suspish that perhaps Ms. Zoe did not want to do dinner with the hubby because then she would have to ...............EAT!

All in all while I would love to say I will not be tuning in for the season finale I must figure out if the angry little blonde girl has had it. I mean the stress of dealing with clothes is just too much. Screw world hunger, Jennifer Garner has to look good at the Oscars (although that may be a harder task than solving world hunger issues--sorry to all you Alias fans).

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